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How to Write And Rewrite Content That’s Plagiarism Free

Budding writers, especially those who are still new in the world of working from home as a remote writer may find themselves having issues with plagiarism.

Although the fact remains that these budding writers do not have any intention at all to plagiarize content, there are times when some sentences or paragraphs from their references were poorly rewritten.

When I say poorly rewritten, it could mean the following:

  1. The writer doesn't have enough vocabulary to be able to substitute the words from their sources.

  2. The writer unintentionally copied the exact phrase or words from their sources. This is common for writers who are aiming to produce more articles in a day. This is a common occurrence among writers who pay more attention to quantity rather than the quality of their writing.

  3. The writer struggles to meet the set turnaround time for their article submission so they forgot or chose to forego running their article through a plagiarism checker.

Well, there could be many reasons why a certain blog post could be tagged as plagiarized. But, for a writer who aims to become THE WRITER and not just any other writer, everything has to be impeccable.

Because being a writer is not just a job. If you love writing so much you’ll consider it as your life and as a career. Thus, you will DO ANYTHING TO MAKE YOUR ARTICLE PERFECT.

So, how do you come up with a blog post that’s plagiarism free even when you know that everything was just sourced from specific websites?

If English is not your mother tongue, then you’d better be good at rewriting. But, why should we master the skill of rewriting as a blog writer?

From my personal point of view, learning to rewrite well is tantamount to being great at expressing some other people’s ideas in your own words.

When you become adept at rewriting content, you will not have trouble expressing the thoughts conveyed from your references and use these for your blog post.

How to Rewrite Content that’s Plagiarism Free

If you want to excel in your writing career, you have to learn how to rewrite what you have read online. Luckily, I have the best answer to the question -

What is the best way to rewrite?

The best way to rewrite is to use better synonyms, while rewriting a sentence per thought and not per word. Below is a more in-depth discussion of how to do these, including more ways to rewrite content. So, keep reading.

1. Learn more about synonyms.

The good news is, you do not have to memorize everything. You only have to look for the meaning and the synonym of a word via Google search. Having a huge repertoire of synonyms is important if you want to be good at writing.

When your brain has amassed a plethora of synonyms, you will definitely find yourself able to rewrite and express in your own words the ideas conveyed by your sources.

With enough stock of synonyms, rewriting can just be done right off the bat, like no sweat at all.

2. Rewrite per “thought sentence”, not per word.

Many writers make the mistake of rewriting in a verbatim manner. This will not only make the sentences sound awkward and “too elementary”. When you’re rewriting word for word, chances are high that you will fail to convey the true message that your source wants you to get.

Rewriting per thought sentence will help make it easier for you to convey the meaning of the message regardless of whether it is conveyed figuratively or literally.

3. Don’t forget to add more information.

When you’re writing or rewriting, never forget to add a touch of your personality to it. This makes your output more “YOU” than having your written content being seen as something that’s copied from “somebody else’s work”.

For example, if you are about to rewrite an entire paragraph from your source, see to it that you have additional references for added information.

This way, your paragraphs will not look like the “rewritten version” but it will more likely look like a well-researched blog post.

4. Add in relevant statistics or mention scientific studies.

If you have read our previous blog post about “How to Be A Research Expert and Be Able to Write Just About Anything!” Then, you know what I am talking about here.

But, in case you haven’t read it, better read it now. (It’s me politely asking you 🙂).

Adding statistics and citing specific studies that are relevant to the paragraph or topic that you are talking about can do wonders in making you sound authoritative.

This gives the readers an impression that you definitely know what you are talking about and that you are not only blabbering, or just saying something to fill your post with content. (What a bad writer!)

Moreover, the addition of statistics and studies made by experts will also make your entire post more valuable.

5. Use plagiarism checkers.

Of course, as a writer you will know exactly whether the article you have written is plagiarized or not. However, if you’re not careful enough there could still be a possibility that some sentences or phrases within your posts will be detected as plagiarized.

This is when the need to run it through a plagiarism checker tool. You can use free plagiarism checkers online or sign up for a CopyScape account.

Based on my experience the premium version of CopysCape is better than just relying solely on free plagiarism software online. One reason for this is the fact that a premium software will have more advanced tools to detect plagiarized content.

This means that even when your written content is deemed “100 percent original” by those free plagiarism tools you have online, the result may not be the same if you use the premium version of CopyScape.

How do you rewrite an article without plagiarizing?

Grow your knowledge about that niche. Because when you have more than enough stock knowledge, you can easily integrate these into what you have just read.

So, by the time you start writing, the written output would be a combination of your newly researched information and your stock knowledge. The result is a high quality original content, written by a knowledgeable writer.

On the contrary, if you rely solely on your current readings, the tendency to copy exactly what you have just read is too high. Because you have no previous knowledge to insert in between paragraphs and sentences.

Therefore, never forgo reading my tip number 6, as written below.

6. Strive to become a knowledgeable writer.

If you are working for a specific employer who promotes a specific niche, then make sure that you aim to grow your knowledge about this niche.

How to grow your knowledge about a certain niche?

Read more articles from the web, listen to plenty of podcasts that talk about that niche and check out what the different social media platforms are talking about regarding that niche.

In addition to knowing more about the topic, you should strive to learn more about your target audience. When you know exactly your target audience, it will become easier for you to craft your article based on your audience demographics.

So, even when the information you share are sourced from varied references, you will still have an idea as to how to write everything in a way that it addresses your target audience. This can do wonders in making your written output sound more original.

Besides, when you are knowledgeable about the topic that you are writing for, the tone, choices of words and overall content of your article will look and sound more like you. In other words, it will become original content!

In this modern world that we live in, the competition is fierce for writers. So, you’d better be good not just in rewriting, but in mastering the skill of writing purely original content. How? Well, let’s go over tip no.1 again.


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