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How to Become a Successful Blogger

I love writing. 

The truth is, this is my first reason for creating this blog.

I have been writing online for more than ten years now and I am loving every second of it.

Then I realized, why not spread this happiness to other people who also love to write?

There are many people out there who know how to write plenty of amazing articles.

But they are too hesitant to come up with their own blog site.

They just do not know how and where to start.

If you’re one of them, then keep reading. 

1. Everything must be done with love.

I would like to stress the importance of love in whatever endeavor we choose to tread.

Blogging is such a tedious task. This is true especially if you’re just a beginner.

When you are not certain where and how to start, it is so easy to give up.

That is, if you do not love what you do. 

But, as the cliche goes, “Love can move mountains”.

So, even when the going gets tough, you just keep blogging.

When you love what you’re doing, there aren’t obstacles impossible to overcome. 

Therefore, if you’re looking to become a blogger, make sure you do it because you love it.

You may ask “How to become a successful blogger?”

My answer is - You must LOVE blogging first. 

With love, you will be surprised to find everything else falling into place. 

2. Do your best but do not expect too much.

I hate to say this but I need to say this outright. Not all of your articles will receive lots of traffic.

Some of your blog posts may reach a huge number of audience, while other articles will be left unread.

This reality should not scare you away from your dreams of becoming a successful blogger.

Just keep writing. For every article you’ve written, there will always be a lesson learned. 

In fact, while I was writing this piece, I also learned something new. 

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Even Pat Flynn had to work hard for years before achieving enormous success in the blogging industry. 

Give yourself more time to learn about the blogging industry. 

If you keep writing, you will keep learning as well. You will eventually learn how to create blog posts that are more likely to rank on search engine results pages. 

3. Do not underestimate what perseverance and consistency can do.

Heather Delaney Reese, Melyssa Griffin and Sarah Titus have something in common. They all possess perseverance and consistency in their blogging endeavors. 

But then again, having consistency and perseverance aren’t possible without love. 

When you love what you do, you can always persevere even the most difficult part of blogging.

Consistency is another key to becoming a successful blogger.  See to it that you publish your articles on a regular basis. 

Create a schedule, mark it on your calendar and set an alarm for that.

This way, you will not forget to write and publish a blog post even when you’re too busy with other activities. 

This may be difficult especially when you’re just starting out.

Unfortunately, consistency and perseverance are two inevitable things to talk about when we’re looking to learn how to become a successful blogger. 

Bite the bullet anyway. 

4. Aim to help first and success will become inevitable.

For every blog post that you write, your aim should be to provide solutions to existing problems.

You have to let your readers know that your blog post offers help. 

Besides, nobody would want to read an article that has no value to the readers at all. 

Your articles must be crafted in a way that is super useful to your target audience. 

Otherwise, stop writing anyway. 

Before you decide to write about a certain topic, ask yourself first - “What’s in it for them?”

If your articles answer this question, then you are giving your readers one good reason to keep coming back to your blog for more. 

5. Spend time marketing your blog.

It is not enough to write and publish your blog posts. You have to let other people know that you’ve published something!

Get the word out there by creating a social media account for your blog site. 

Let your blog’s existence be known on LinkedIn.

Take the time to comment on other people’s blog sites.

When you’re everywhere in the world wide web, chances are high that you can find exactly where your readers are. 

Be active on social media by leaving a positive comment on other people’s posts. 

Join online communities that are relevant to your blog. 

See? There are plenty of ways to market your blog. Never hesitate to do so. 

Marketing is essential to becoming a successful blogger. 

6. Learn the technical aspect of blogging.

I do not think becoming a successful blogger can be achieved without learning the technical aspects of it. 

Unless you can afford to hire someone else to do it for you. 

For newbies who do not have enough budget to hire a professional, better do it yourself.

The good news is, the internet does not lack resources for you to learn everything about the technical side of blogging.

I must admit I also know nothing about web development and digital marketing before.

But, this does not stop me from becoming a blogger. The same should also be said on your part. 

Go ahead, learn more about SEO, digital marketing and everything in between.

Promise, you’re going to thank yourself for doing so!

After reading this post, I hope you will start blogging your way to success! 

The road may not be as smooth as we want it to be. There may be a lot of bumps, hiccups and even boulders along the way. 

But these are definitely not insurmountable. 

Keep blogging, keep writing. 



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