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Effective Ways of Connecting with Your Audience as A Blogger

Updated: Jun 13

Statistics reveal that there are more than 600 million blogs around the world. 

If you own one of these blogs, how do you make sure that you get your audience’s attention?

How can you be sure that your blog post is found by your target audience? 

How do you make this possible amidst the 7.5 million blog posts that are published every day?

My fellow bloggers agree that finding our audience and making sure that our blog posts are read can be a real challenge.

In fact, the word “challenge” can be an understatement when you think about the 4.9 billion Google users worldwide. 

This is why finding our audience and establishing connections with them becomes a daily struggle especially for newbie bloggers.

If you’re among the newbies in this field, relax. 

In this blog post, you’ll learn the effective ways of connecting with your audience.

This way, you will have their attention the moment you publish a blog post. 

1. Create your brand’s buyer persona.

man and woman looking at laptop monitor

Connecting with your audience can be a daunting task especially when we think about those millions of people visiting Google every day.

One way to make this task a lot easier is to create an audience profile. 

While you were writing your blog post, who is it that you have in mind? Who do you think should be reading what you have written? 

If you’re writing about the services you’re offering, who do you think are your customers?

Therefore, you have to come up with a buyer persona. Start by listing the demographics of your target audience. 

Their age, lifestyle, social status, employment, gender, etc.

By knowing the basics of your audience’s demographics, it will now become easier to come up with a list of their needs and wants.

Once you have these written down, it will now be easy to write your content that caters to your intended audience. 

This buyer persona will greatly help you in connecting with your audience through your written content.

2. Harness the magic of storytelling.

a man speaking in front of an audience

There is something about storytelling that really hooks people to listen. 

When you have developed the ability to tell stories that attract attention you are more likely to succeed in the world wide web.

Ditch those stories that you’ve only heard from others. Come up with your own while keeping in mind your buyer persona. 

Keep in mind that the stories you tell must be something that relates with your audience and with the products and services that you’re selling.

Tell a joke somewhere in between, if you have to. Inserting humor in between your stories can definitely make your content less boring and more interesting. 

Don’t have an idea where to begin? Create a hero and a villain. These do not have to be a person. 

Your hero could be your product or the service that you are selling. On the other hand, the villain could be your audience’s problem. 

Then, do not forget to end your talk with how your products or services can help them solve the problems stated in your story. 

Most of all, let them know how they can have access to your products or services.

3. Let them know you’re human.

a girl talking to a woman beside her, with a microphone on the table

The prevalence of Artificial Intelligence does pose significant challenges to some newbie writers. 

I must admit, it worried me when I knew that ChatGPT is capable of producing a lot of articles, way more than a human writer can do in a day’s work. 

However, as I began to read more reviews about these AI writing tools, I learned that they can only be masters of content production.

But, they can never replace human writers in terms of producing content that has genuine emotions.

If you think that ChatGPT is a threat to your writing career, think again.

Remember that you are not writing for bots and any other software out there. You are writing for human beings to read.

This goes to say that there is no one else better at connecting with human readers but human writers themselves. 

We, human writers, have our own ways of articulating our emotions. 

It is so easy for us to tell stories that relate exactly to how our fellow human beings would feel when they happen to have the same experience. 

Human discoveries like - How did you feel when you encountered a certain problem? 

How did you manage to get over those feelings of frustrations when your solution didn’t work out?

Then, let them know those emotions you felt when you discovered your product or service that helped you solve the exact same problem.

Writing about these thoughts, feelings and emotions will make your blog posts very human. 

Most of all, your readers won’t have difficulty relating to your story.

4. Exploit what online tools can do. 

a woman recording herself on a video speaking to a person in front of a laptop monitor

Finding your readers is another most important thing to do when connecting with your audience. 

Besides, how can you ever connect when you don’t know where they are in the first place?

We understand that your products and services were developed according to the needs of your target audience. 

The next thing to do is to figure out where and how you can deliver these to them.

Are they on Facebook? Do they spend much time on Instagram? Or do they just love watching YouTube  videos?

You need to have a specific tool that helps you analyze where your audience is. 

You can make use of Google Search Console, Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, Semrush, etc. 

Fortunately, there are a plethora of tools that you can use to your advantage. Just make sure to read user reviews and know more about the tool before downloading.

This way, you can be certain that you are using the best tool for your needs. So, there is no money, time and effort wasted. 

The good news is, it doesn’t take forever for you to be able to learn how to use these tools. 

There are many tutorial videos available online. Go ahead and exploit them!

5. Go out and meet them in person. 

man and woman talking to each other about best writing tips

Going out to meet your customers in person may prove to be time consuming. 

But, trust me. It is going to be worth all the effort you put into meeting them. 

However, this can only be possible once you’ve reached out to them via email or social media. 

You decide how many hours you can allot for this activity. It does not have to eat away your entire eight hours of work.

Meeting them for an hour or two can indeed do wonders in making them feel they’re special.

However, you have to be very careful with your responses and gestures. Everything must show just how sincere you are in helping them. 

Your customers will feel even more valued once you meet them in person. Knowing that you took the time to go out and meet them could mean so much to them.

Once this event pans out so well, you will be surprised just how fast the word-of-mouth marketing takes effect.

6. Be supportive of your readers.

young people checking something on a smartphone

Another great way of showing your human side is to be supportive of your readers. 

Do not be afraid to comment, like and share your readers’ social media posts as well. 

This method of connecting with your audience is one effective way of building authentic relationships with your readers. 

There is this one person who always likes my posts on LinkedIn. I have been seeing his heart and thumbs up in my posts for more than a month.

Then I took the time to check his profile and found out that he is also a writer like me. 

Knowing this made me realize that I shouldn’t just wait for others to keep liking my posts.

I should also be returning the favor as well. Take the time to comment on their social media posts and let them know you also value their online presence.

If you have a website and the comment section is enabled, better have this as an avenue for productive conversations to take place. 

Be extra careful though when dealing with negative comments. Take them from a positive perspective.  

Never let their negative words ruin your chances of growing your network of supporters.

Most of all, keep in mind that this isn’t an exhaustive list of ways to connect with your audience. 

There are plenty of ways to reach out to your readers and make real connections. You just have to find what works for you and for your audience. 

Keep blogging and keep lovin’ every minute of it.


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I created this website to be able to help budding writers out there. I have been working as home-based writer since 2009 and this website is all about the tips, tricks and all the lessons I've learned from writing all these years. If you love writing as much as I do, then this blog is for you!


Keep writing!

Riza the Writer


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