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How to Find Time for Writing (When you only have 24 hrs a day!)

The planning phase for this blog website of mine started three years ago. Yes, this is true - three years ago and I’ve only started writing about this a few months ago.

Finally, asking myself how to find time for writing for my own website now has a definite answer. It has been my dream to be able to come up with my own website and write my own blog posts.

But, why did I postpone the writing phase for three years? Because I was too busy writing for somebody else’s website. I was too busy working and getting employed as a writer.

I was doing all these while at the back of my mind there’s always those thoughts about “If it’s my own website that I am writing for then I could have my own means of earning without relying much on what my employers gave me”.

I know that other work at home moms like me may find themselves wondering how to find time for writing when they have to juggle between several hats all day.

There's no doubt that being a mother and a housewife still makes writing too hard to squeeze in a day’s work. So, I am thinking of ways in which I could come up with a written output no matter how hectic my day is for mommy and wifey duties.

Please note that these tips are not only applicable to work-at-home moms. These tips will also definitely work for employed individuals whether remotely, or as office-based employees, wishing to establish their own blog site amidst their hectic daily routine.

How Do You Find Time for Writing?

1. Start your day with a 30-minute writing task.

After saying your early morning prayer, grab your laptop. When you always start your day rushing through the kitchen to prepare food or to the bathroom to get yourself prepared for work, you will never be able to write anything at all.

You have to stay focused for thirty minutes. Think of nothing else but what you are going to write. Forget about the things that you need to prepare before going to work. The entire thirty minutes must be devoted only to writing.

Make this a habit every morning and you’ll be surprised just how much you can write within the 30-minute focused time frame. And, after a day’s work, you won’t have to worry about being too tired to write. After all, you’ve already written in the morning.

2. Make it a working lunch-break.

Do you have an hour for lunch break? Set aside half of it for writing. For me, this can be a relaxing time knowing that I can just forget about my office or work task and instead do something that I am so passionate about.

Rather than spend your entire one hour break simply browsing your Instagram or any other social media platforms, make it a productive break. Do this after having your lunch and then proceed with writing for your website. Because for me, writing while I’m hungry can be impossible!

If you do this every day, your blog site will see progress day after day, week after week and so on. If you really try to squeeze in thirty minutes of writing into your lunch break, you can never say that writing as a side gig is impossible when you have a full-time job to manage as well.

3. See small breaks as writing opportunities.

Are you outdoors waiting to meet up with your client? Don't let waiting time be a waste. Find a spot where you can sit and write down for a few minutes. You will be surprised just how productive you can be in those few moments.

Are you waiting in a long queue at a supermarket to pay for the groceries you shopped? Make sure you have your tablet with you. This way, you can still jot down some thoughts you have for your blog in progress.

Writing while waiting in queue will help relieve the stress of standing and doing nothing. And, before you know it, it’s already your turn. See? You did not have to feel stressed because the time you spent in the queue was wasted.

You can do the same thing while you’re in a doctor’s clinic waiting for your turn. Or, when you’re out to pick up your child at school and find out that you still need to wait for a few minutes more. Instead of frowning, smile. These small moments are nothing to be stressed about! These are all opportunities for you to write.

These moments may only consist of a few minutes. But, when you see the progress you have, you will realize that those few minutes spent writing have turned out to be a significant writing moment.

4. Set a deadline.

There is always that tendency to procrastinate when you do not set deadlines for your writing tasks. When you set a deadline, you have to be firm about finishing your tasks, by hook or by crook.

It can be so easy to say you are too busy making a living and don’t have time to write. Deep inside, you know you’ve always dreamed about being a professional blogger. If this is you then might as well respect the deadline you set for your writing projects.

Remember that you should never be too busy to do what you love. If being a writer and website owner are part of your dream, take steps to achieve it. If you have a full-time job that you cannot leave, taking baby steps will help towards achieving your desired blog site.

Setting a deadline is also one great way to get yourself used to setting aside enough time for writing.

5. Make “300 words a day” a habit.

I remember when I was young, as young as seven years old when my father would ask me and my sister to memorize 7 new English words a day.

He would ask us to answer crossword puzzles cut out from the newspapers. Then we choose the new words that we would like to memorize along with its definition.

Now that I have become a writer, I should say, it’s high time to change that habit. I don't just settle for seven words a day. But, even if I am too busy with something else, I still see to it to write 300 words a day.

When you know your days are so hectic, but you have a “300 words a day” goal to achieve, you will never be behind your writing schedule. Because you will always see progress in your writing projects just by writing 300 words a day.

Besides, let’s admit it. We will always be too busy to make a living and starting out as a writer can be tough. It can be tougher to know that you won’t be able to earn immediately for your writings. But, it definitely won’t hurt to build your empire with three hundred words a day.

6. Write before going to bed.

Writing at night, before going to bed, may not be the best time if you are a morning person. But, if you think your brain remains creative in the evening, even after spending a day at work, then spare some time to write before finally tucking yourself in for a sweet slumber.

For me, writing as soon as I wake up works well because my brain is still fresh and devoid of tiring thoughts. But, writing at night before going to sleep also works for me. Because this is the time when my kids have finally gone to bed and I don’t have to worry about who’s cooking in the kitchen.

Besides, when I write at night I feel like I have enough room to gather my thoughts. Unlike in the morning when I have to see to it that I have written some words before that 30-minute timeframe is through.

7. Write to relax.

Make writing a part of your relaxation. That is, if you see writing as something that’s relaxing. For me, writing while relaxing is like reading my favorite book while sitting on the couch.

Now that I am working on my blog site, my relaxation time is spent writing the topics that I am so passionate about.

When I start to feel sleepy, I just doze off! It will make you feel so much better knowing that you have relaxed your brain from thinking about those stressful work-related thoughts.

To make your writing tasks very relaxing, choose a place where relaxation becomes possible. It can be outdoors, in your patio, or in the corner of your living room. It does not matter where for as long as it is a place where it is quiet, with enough ventilation and devoid of distractions.

8. Aim for one paragraph.

If you’re writing a blog post, don’t aim to write the whole post in just one sitting. Otherwise, you will never be able to finish one because you’re too busy to do it! This is why you should aim for just a single paragraph.

When you do not have hours of spare time for writing, you will certainly have a few minutes to write a paragraph. This helps jumpstart your thoughts on what you should be writing next. The important thing is to see your writing tasks progressing every single day.

The good thing about aiming for a single paragraph is the tendency to write more. Once you start writing and ideas keep coming in, it can be difficult to stop after writing just one paragraph. And, before you notice it, you’ve already written two paragraphs or more!

The truth is, writing can be tough. But, if it is really something that you want to do but work seems to get in the way because you need to pay the bills! Don’t lose hope. Your dream of owning your own blog site and starting earning from it can still be realized no matter how busy you are.

Keep in mind the tips I mentioned in this post and you’ll be on your way towards becoming a successful blogger, maybe not too soon, but in the near future. Follow these tips and stick to it!


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