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How Do You Boost a Writer’s Confidence?

Nowadays, many people claim that anybody can be a writer. The prevalence of AI powered tools make such claims seem true. Not to mention the fact that these tools also turned some hesitant writers into someone who is too confident to finish a book in no time. 

But, are these AI tools enough to make a writer become confident in his or her own skills?

If the answer is yes, then I fervently hope that these confidence boosting AI writing tools can help writers become better in their chosen field. 

Even if these tools promise to speed up a writer’s ability to complete writing tasks, they should not forget that “quality” is more important than quantity. 

Quantity sounds good only if it refers to the amount of true confidence that you have in your writing skills. This amount of confidence should be enough to conquer any writing obstacles.

But, how do you exactly boost your confidence as a writer? Here are some helpful tips.

Develop your writing endurance.

Just like any other sports athlete, they build endurance by undergoing training that allows them to further their body’s ability to perform. To be able to build endurance, an athlete would go through a fitness plan which consists of different physical activities that boost their muscular and respiratory endurance.

Once endurance is developed, an athlete becomes better at handling highly strenuous physical activities, despite all the body pains and amidst a very rigid training schedule. 

For writers, a writing endurance would mean being able to continue writing even when your situation is not highly conducive to your ability to focus. 

When a writer develops writing endurance, persistence conquers rejections and any other obstacles that would make writing seem challenging.

Note that a person’s writing endurance knows no hindrances that will keep him from achieving his writing goals. If you possess writing endurance, you will learn to maintain your writing adrenaline even when the world around you does not seem to cooperate. 

See failures as lessons to learn on.

One of the reasons why a writer lacks confidence is because there is too much negative attention given to failures. If you continue to look at your failures as nothing but mistakes, you’ll never be able to move forward.

Instead, see your failures as lessons to learn from. With this kind of perspective, it will become easier for you to rise up and get back to your writing tasks with a stronger volition to do whatever it takes for you to become successful.

For writers, failures may come in many forms. These could be inability to achieve your writing goals, negative comments from your readers, or rejections from publishing companies. 

Each of these may look different  but they all have one thing in common and that is their potential to degrade you and lose your confidence in your writing skills.

If you are not achieving your writing goals, examine the cause of it and then try to do things better this time.

If you receive negative comments about your written output, use these comments as a way to further advance your writing skills.

If you receive rejections from publishing companies, don’t give up. Never get tired of making improvements to your book while you continue to look for a publishing company that is willing to publish your book.

After learning all the lessons from these failures, there is no doubt that you will come out as a more confident writer. And, you will be ready once again to face any hardships head on.

Harness the power of knowledge.

The lack of knowledge can greatly affect your confidence as a writer.

In this case, the saying - “Fake it til you make it” won’t work. You have to find ways, gather all your resources and find time to keep learning about your chosen niche. 

Luckily, the internet has a plethora of writing courses and any other niche-related training that you can enroll for free. Take the time to enroll in a course which you think could help take your writing skills to a whole new level. 

Websites such as and Coursera are just a few of the many online resources that you can use to improve your writing skills and boost your confidence. Not to mention those thousands of podcasts and YouTube videos that you can listen and watch to grow your knowledge.

The more knowledge you gain, the more confident you become in your writing tasks. You don’t have to go through the “faking” mode in order to pretend that you are knowledgeable about what you are writing. 

But, of course, take one step at a time. You don’t have to enroll in several courses at the same time. Or, subscribe to many YouTube channels only to miss one episode after another. When you decide to follow a podcast or watch a series of YouTube tutorials, schedule them one at a time. 

Then, make sure to squeeze into your daily schedule these “learning moments” so you can grow your knowledge on a regular basis. And, before you know it, you’ve already become more confident than ever in your writing skills. 

Join the right social circle.

Being in the right social circle can do wonders in boosting your confidence as a writer. Never ignore the importance of joining Facebook groups and other writing communities both online and offline. 

Being surrounded with the right kind of people who know and understand exactly what you do is a great way to improve your confidence. Joining a writer’s community will expose you to different types of people who share the same passion for writing.

These communities can be your best sources of feedback and comments regarding your writing skills. Besides, what they have to say will definitely be of value to you especially if it’s coming from a seasoned writer. 

Socializing with your fellow writers is much like training yourself to become used to accepting feedback and comments. 

Many of these groups and communities have mentors and coaches that can provide valuable information for newbies and seasoned writers alike.

Besides, staying active in these group chats or comment sections in these writing communities will allow you to learn from other’s experiences as a writer. 

All these will help you become more confident in your career as a writer.

Believe in yourself.

You are a writer and that you are someone looking to be THE WRITER someday. Come to think of it - not everybody can be a writer, no matter what they say and no matter how much they contradict this statement.

Writing is something that takes a lot of courage, passion and love. If you claim that you can be a writer because you know how to play with words or use writing software very well, then I wish you luck.

Because if you do not possess enough passion in the field of writing, you can never be a writer. So, if you think that you live and breathe writing and that this is something that your heart is longing to do - these should be reasons enough for you to be confident!

Nourish your confidence.

Moreover, do not think that just because you’re a newbie writer that’s why you need some boosting in your confidence. Even seasoned writers still have issues with confidence. Why?

Because being a highly experienced writer does not mean you will no longer be subjected to unwanted reviews, and negative critiques about their written output. 

Confidence is much like a flower that needs to be watered constantly to keep it within healthy levels. If you think you already have it, exert some effort at making sure it continues to blossom. 

Remember that the farther you go into your writing career, the more vulnerable you become to all sorts of comments and feedback.

So, better be prepared all the time. You have to check your confidence levels from time to time and see to it that it will always work to your favor. Avoid being like other people who believe that they have oozing confidence. But, in reality what they have is arrogance and not confidence.

Make sure you don’t confuse confidence with arrogance!

If you think you already possess a writer’s confidence, keep nurturing it with knowledge and healthy socialization. You can't just leave it as it is. Because confidence is also referred to as a meta-skill, which needs to be developed and cultivated.


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