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Boost Writing Productivity with Your Ideal Work Space

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Writers have to learn how to be super productive.

Or, suffer the consequences of being invisible.

Because in this vast market called the world wide web, we have to stand out.

Or, we’ll never be able to make it amidst stiff competition. Alas, the internet is also filled with all sorts of distractions. From website pop-up ads, to social media notifications and what have you.

So many writers struggle to become productive day after day, or should I say, night after night?

In a world where distractions are present everywhere, in all forms, staying productive can be quite a challenge.

Thus, the need to set up a room which will serve as your workspace for boosting productivity.

Lucky you, you’ve stumbled upon this post. Here I have listed some of the proven ways to help you set up a room that will help make productivity more achievable and less challenging.

Why is an ideal writing environment important?

Because you need it to be able to make writing such a breeze! When you know that the kind of environment you have is exactly what you need to make your brain function at full throttle, writing productivity will most likely be optimal.

What are the prerequisites to better writing productivity?

The process of writing requires focus, knowledge and sanity.

Focus can be obtained only when your environment is devoid of things that distract you from concentrating on your writing task. Well, at least for me this is true. How about you?

The second one, which is knowledge, highly depends on every writer. Of course, you shouldn’t be writing about topics that are beyond what your brain can comprehend.

For example, if you don't have enough background about forex trading, then don’t rely on Google search and ChatGPT to come up with a credible blog post.

For writing to become a smooth natural process, you have to possess enough knowledge about it. Besides, how much you know about the topic will become evident in the way you craft your entire blog post.

The third requirement for being a productive writer is sanity. I think you’re surprised to find this in my list of requirements for writer’s productivity!

The truth is, it can be impossible to accomplish any writing task when your surroundings are stripping you of your sanity. Unbearable background noise, distractions, clutter and disorganized workstation can make you lose your sanity. (Or, is it only me?)

If you can concentrate on writing even when the world around you is throwing bombs and grenades, then congratulations!

If that’s the case I commend you for your ability to focus. Second, I admire your writing ability which remained solid amidst chaos. But I am not sure If I could say this after reading your output, though (ouch!).

What is the ideal writing place?

An ideal writing place is one that has zero distractions, free from clutter and comfortable. But, to say that a place is an ideal one for writing can also be subjective for some writers.

We all have our own ways of determining whether a specific place is ideal for our writing productivity or not.

How do you create an environment that’ll help boost your writing productivity?

1. Dedicate a room for writing.

For me, this is the first step that you should do especially when you’re still starting off in your writing career. A room that is dedicated to writing only, helps ensure that you have a place where you can put all your writing related stuff.

If you are working as a home based freelance writer, this room that you create solely for writing will make focus and writing productivity easy to attain.

Luckily, you do not have to spend a fortune to be able to have your own place for writing. Keep in mind the different factors which are crucial for writing productivity. Make sure that the following is present in your room:

Proper lighting

You have to install appropriate lighting. When I was younger, I used to write for hours never minding the type of light that is present in my room.

However, now that I cannot write anymore without using my eyeglasses, I have become very particular about the type of light that is present in my room whenever I write.

What is the best light for writing?

If you will be using a desk lamp when writing, the perfect light is one that has 470 lumens. If you are the type of writer who doesn't mind writing anywhere in the room, then a bulb with 800 plus lumens would be perfect.

470 lumens is equivalent to 40 watts.

An 800+ lumen helps ensure that you can write or read for longer hours in any part of your room without the need to worry about causing too much stress in your eyes.

What is the best LED light color for writing?

If you’re asking about what type of LED light is best for writing, choose daylight color lights. This type of light has 5000K-6500K and works well for writing and reading tasks.The 5000K-6500K (K for Kelvin scale) light is also called natural white.

This natural white light has been proven less stressful to the eyes. Thus, making it perfect for individuals looking to increase their writing productivity when writing.

How many watts is 5000K?

It is equivalent to 60 watt LED light bulbs.

Right temperature

What temperature is best for writing?

Generally, a room temperature of 21-22ºC is considered comfortable for writing. This is the kind of temperature that is not too hot nor too cold. It is just warm enough for a person not to sweat too much nor shiver from cold.

The presence of the right light levels, along with the right room temperature are important for creating a distraction-free zone. Besides, how can you focus when your room is too hot or too cold?

The same thing can be said with room lights. I personally prefer the soft light of my lamp shade while writing at night. The soft light does not hurt but rather it brings about a soothing effect to my eyes.

For other writers, writing while there’s a pillow on their lap also makes them feel so comfortable. An additional plush pillow to rest their backs every now and then while still being seated in a computer chair is another way of staying comfortable and focused.

Clutter-free space.

An article published in Eaton Arrowsmith Center for Neuroeducation, mentions that the human brain has the innate tendency to favor a clutter-free and organized environment over chaotic surroundings.

The same article also mentions that constant exposure to a chaotic surrounding can have a significant negative impact on the brain. Your brain’s working memory and ability to focus can be disrupted when there’s clutter all around.

Moreover, clutter may also trigger the brain to produce cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Therefore, the more you expose yourself to chaos and clutter, the more likely it is for you to suffer from anxiety and stress.

As mentioned earlier, sanity is among the prerequisites to writer’s productivity.

In other words, as much as you would like your brain to remain productive but clutter will eventually weigh it down. Thus, the need to set up a clutter-free room that helps you boost your writing productivity.

2. Harness the power of music.

How does music help writers?

The power of music has been studied by a lot of experts from different fields of expertise. One study published in Cedarville University website showed that music does impact a person’s actions and emotions.

The said study also showed that music can greatly influence a person’s creativity in writing. When a person’s deep emotions and deep thoughts are triggered by music, his creativity is also enhanced.

And, one’s creativity is no doubt crucial towards achieving better writing productivity. However, you have to be careful in choosing the kind of music to listen to while writing.

Remember that sad songs may trigger memories of sad experiences. This could affect your mood for writing. If you’re like me, I prefer to listen to instrumental jazz. I have to see to it that it isn’t too mellow that I’ll eventually doze off. I also do not want my background music to be too fast that I find it too noisy for a peaceful night of writing.

3. Create a distraction-free zone.

A distraction-free zone is crucial for the attainment of focus and concentration on the part of the writer. It not only entails a quiet environment. But, when we talk about having a distraction-free environment we should also take into

As much as we want to improve or at least maintain our level of writing productivity, sometimes the environment where we perform our writing prevents us from doing so.

The pressures of daily living and the distractions around us do affect our mood and ability to achieve an impressive writing productivity. More so if your room aggravates your struggle of being able to focus on your writing tasks.

These are the things that you must take into consideration when trying to set up a room to boost your writing productivity.

Please note that the physical environment is crucial to achieving a kind of atmosphere that’s conducive to your writing productivity. The abovementioned essentials must be coupled with a bit of aesthetics.

Whatever you put inside your room must be something that will inspire you to write more.

A few pictures on the wall, a vase with your favorite flower or a floor carpet that matches the interior design of your room - it wouldn't hurt to splurge a bit for these things that will make your room look beautiful.

What about you? What things do you have in your room that contributes to your writing productivity?

Feel free to write it in the comment section below.


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